Nutrend AAKG 7500 1 vial of 25ml
Nutrend AAKG 7500 1 vial of 25ml
What does AAKG 7500 Nutrend consist of
AAKG 7500 is a dietary supplement of L'-arginine, which is part of complex proteins that determine the structure of the body.
We are therefore talking about a product that is therefore suitable for use by all those athletes who engage in intense training and want to enhance performance without side effects for the body.
The strengthening that is observed mainly concerns the muscular system, affecting the oxidative stress of cells and tissues, which are preserved from natural aging by slowing it down and repairing damaged areas.
The cardiovascular system is also improved, proceeding with a cleansing of the blood vessels from harmful cholesterol and waste, so that the flow flows regularly and the pressure settles at normal levels.
Cell oxygenation occurs optimally, promoting better performance in sports.
How to take AAKG 7500 Nutrend
To enjoy the benefits of AAKG 7500 without side effects, the recommended dose is half a vial, 12.5 ml per day, to be taken 30 minutes before your workout.
However, it is not recommended to take the product before sleeping, as it could disturb sleep by activating the body and mind.